Looking for Special Needs Athletes!
Just Right Living World athletes get ready for the 2023 Special Olympics season with their new home at FCA Fit Brevard!
Athletes that are part of a local nonprofit are getting ready to compete in the upcoming Special Olympics Powerlifting Competition.! Coaches Joe Luther and his new Coach Chris Cooper are looking forward to their best season yet! Coach Joe is actively recruiting athletes with special needs to join his team!
The athletes are looking forward to a banner year. This year’s athletes will be working hard to strive to win by earning it with intense workouts, they will earn their win!! Coach Joe says they have been practicing indoors and outdoors this year. We want our athletes to be ready on the field and for life, Living in Florida with the temperatures sometimes near 100 degrees we need our athletes to be prepared for any weather condition. With their new training location at FCA Fit Brevard they can get a break from the heat, Luther Says.
With hard work his athletes are breaking new personal best records! Davinci Morgan and Danielle Diecidure shattered their last Deadlift, by both athletes adding 40lbs at 185lb and 205lb respectively. Team Captain Josh White says he ready to lead his team all the way to the State Games at Disney’s ESPN Wide World of Sports.
Just Right Living, World Wide’s training is a year-round program . The nonprofit also hosts Enrichment Classes, teaching life and job skills training through their transitional development program. Coach Joe says they have only just begun to scratch the surface on the impact they can make here in Brevard County.
In addition to fitness and life training. The group also host a First Saturday Community Market at Community of Christ Church in Palm Bay. The markets’ purpose is to provide a farmers style market in the city,
This event also provides job skills training for the athletes. Just Right Living athletes are responsible for setting up and taking down the tables and learn some valuable life lesson, such as, better communication skills, counting money, and greeting members of the community.
These events are all run by Coach Joe. The Coach is so happy to help these Athletes learn life lessons that go beyond the weight room.
Just try living is a local nonprofit that serves youth and adults with intellectual and physical disabilities. They focus on fitness, getting into the community, job and life skills.