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A century-old aperitivo is trendy again

Jun 23, 2023

Various tried and true drinks have withstood the test of time. Hosts may want to offer these traditional favorites at special occasions where alcohol will be served, especially if the beverages are once again trending in the right direction.

Although Aperol has been a popular product across Italy since its inception in 1919, it is enjoying newfound fame more than 100 years later. By 1950, the Aperol Spritz became the drink du jour of movers and shakers, and in recent years has enjoyed a resurgence of that popularity. Aperol does for orange what limoncello has done for lemons. It has a zesty orange flavor with herbal notes and a touch of vanilla. Lightly alcoholic, an Aperol Spritz is refreshing and suitable for most occasions. Perhaps the biggest feather in the cap of an Aperol Spritz is that it can be paired with a variety of small bites, making it a very host-friendly cocktail.

Enjoy this classic "Aperol Spritz," courtesy of Aperol, at your next gathering.

Aperol Spritz

Serves 1

3    parts Prosecco

2    parts Aperol

1    splash of soda     

Orange slice for garnish

In a stemmed balloon glass full of ice, pour the Prosecco, followed by the Aperol, and then add the splash of soda. Garnish with an orange slice.